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Where we draw our wisdom and inspiration, women of our past and present...

There’s always something to do, always something to plan. The kids need to go to karate, the car needs washing, the dishes need done, did we remember to take the lasagna out of the oven? It feels near impossible to even find a breath. With the weight of the world weighing upon our chests, the bills and the responsibilities filling the room, we’re drowning. For so long we’re kicking our feet and waving our arms as fast and as hard as we can just to catch a breath. Every now and again, we finally break the surface where we find familiar things and the light of the future warming our face. We’ve been so lost in the waters, we seek the light and guidance from those who swam before us.

When finally I’ve broken the surface and take that sweet breath over my morning coffee, just me and first light, I see the women of my past, their shadows and lights floating like clouds and rafts along the sea line. Some are still here, some long gone, but from each I find guidance that led me to who I am today. There are a few I’d love to share, if you have the time. And perhaps you’ll share yours as well.

The first to share is Grandma Nancy, mother of my father. She and her husband raised their children and their children’s, children as hard workers. They started their own business, a little snow shack, that grew to a store, to a motel, then a restaurant, and realty! They worked hard every day providing their guests the comfort and love through good works we all need. She would listen to their stories, every word, and share her own guidance that often was just what they needed to hear. She started me young, teaching me to clean and built in me the desire to lead my own business one day. She was also the food pantry queen, I hope to share with you her tips and tricks soon. Always humble, though, she strived to be honorable in her works, and as such so did we. I love you, Grandma Nancy, you’re a brilliant woman and always will be in my heart.

The second is my Grandma Nadine. Though not second but equal in my heart, she’s the mother of my mother and I cherish her always. She brought compassion to us when my siblings and I were young. Firm in her own beliefs, a friend to all, she taught me to love all no matter who or where they came from. She brought me to different churches to shower me with the differing beliefs. I learned to keep an open mind about the world around me. As a teacher she inspired me to teach my own, guiding and providing little items to help make the road a bit easier as my littles grow next. She never had much, but only so much of her heart to give and that is and always will be enough. I love you, Grandma Nadine, deeper than the sea, farther than the stars.

The third is my mother. My mother taught me many things, with firm strength in a world against women in leadership roles. She took the world’s sour view and shoved it up its —- She taught me that sometimes you have to be the fighter we don’t want to be. Sometimes we have to be angry and that anger isn’t bad, its what you do with it. She taught me to use it as fuel to keep the determination, keep the motivation in the trials we face day in and day out, and she does it in style. My mother knows just where to get the perfect clothes for every event, she can shop on the deals like no ones business. She is also a traveler, the planner, she can organize twenty people on vacation and still enjoy it herself. That’s talent. She taught me to work hard, and play hard. To enjoy the beauty in life, but earn your keep. I can’t go a day without texting her. She’s always there for me, even if we have differing opinions as people sometimes do. I love you mom, and I always will, you’re my world.

Another, my older sister who you know as Ashlee from here on Growin' Strong Homestead, and who, fun fact, I’ve only known as a teenager through adulthood. Another story for another post soon to come. She’s the born leader with the compassion and heart of a mother who leads her children and all around her with gentle guidance and wit. So much wit! She’s a hoot at any get together! She’s passionate about her dreams and strong willed, but also intelligent and curious. Everything it is to know the life you would want to live and go running for it. She possesses the determination I often forget about, and is quick to remind anyone who needs it.

And of course my younger sister, who’s world perspective wholly encompasses enjoying life and fighting for your beliefs. She finds a good balance between leading her life in feminism with great ambition. But also finding the joy in her ambitions, the fun to keep the passion every life deserves. She encourages others to explore their shadows but also their light and from that I’ve learned much about myself.

Each of them are precious in my life and each has brought so much love and light to my life. Without them I may have been lost but with them I am found. And so here we are, my older sister and I as we go exploring another journey with their support and wisdom behind us of women before and with us. We hope we can accomplish our dreams, as big as they seem, but with the help of others I know we can! And these are only a handful of those I’ve known. There are still neighbors, aunts, cousins, so many relatives, teachers, coaches, that have filled the role of wisdom. I would love to know who in your life is special and has helped pave the way for you? Let me know in the comments below, and stay tuned for more! We’re here for the wisdom!

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